Scottish Power contact details – phone numbers, email address, etc

Phone Scottish Power by dialling their customer service phone number 0800 027 0072 for general enquiries about your gas and electricity account including billing, meter readings and moving home.

Furthermore you may also call this helpline to switch to a different price tariff, for boiler insurance policies and to establish what to do in the event of an emergency such as a gas leak.

Useful phone numbers for Scottish Power

Helpline Phone number
Customer services 0800 027 0072
International helpline +44345 270 0700
Boiler & radiator cover 0800 001 5214
Meter readings 0800 027 8000
Emergencies 0800 111 999
Business accounts 0800 040 7002

Further contact details

If you would prefer to write to Scottish Power with general enquiries and feedback (including complaints) you should address your correspondence to their UK head office:

Scottish Power, Cathcart Business Park, Spean Street, Glasgow, G44 4BE, United Kingdom.

You may also email their customer service division by using their online address, which is also suitable for all general enquiries about Scottish Power.

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